Everyday thousands of phones are sent home with Swype as the default keyboard. As far as innovative replacement keyboards for Android go, none have been quite as popular as Swype. Others have tried, but so far no one can match the speed, accuracy and natural feeling Swype provides. In the battle for kingship, it looks like Swype is the sole owner of the crown. Fortunately for consumers, not everyone is going to sit back and let king enjoy his reign.
Announced in a series of tweets today, replacement keyboard developer TouchPal has made it clear they’re coming back. And this time they’re bringing more innovation than ever. Do the folks at TouchPal have what it takes to get their keyboard to the top? If the blind typing, predictive sliding and smart prediction work as well as their promotional videowould have you believe, Swype should be worried.
Of course until that promotional video becomes something more than just a video, TouchPal doesn’t have much room to talk. The newest beta hasn’t even been released to the public yet, so real-world performance is still a total mystery. If you’d like to get in on the beta testing slated to go live soon, follow TouchPal for more information. Until then, be sure to check out the demo video below and let us know what you think in the comments.
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